2022年秋冬シーズンの立ち上げから1週挟んでのリリースとなる「Supreme(シュプリーム) 2022FW Wee2k」。
今週末は毎シーズン恒例の定番コラボであり、高い人気を誇るナイキとのコラボスニーカー「Supreme®/Nike SB Blazer Mid(シュプリーム×ナイキSB ブレーザー ミッド)」が登場!
そんなコラボスニーカーを含む、Supreme 2022FW Week2に発売となる新作アイテムをサイズ表・価格、公式オンラインストア配置、完売タイムと併せて紹介!
Supreme 2022FW|サイズ表+価格まとめ!全アイテム有り 2022AW / 22FW
Supreme 2022FW|公式オンラインストア配置まとめ!手動最速、必勝法に必須
Supreme 2022FW|新作アイテムの完売タイムまとめ!日本/US/EU有り
シュプリーム 22FW Week2 ナイキ ブレーザー ミッド 全2色
Supreme 2022FW Week2の注目アイテムとなるSupremeとNIKE SBブランドのコラボスニーカー「Supreme®/Nike SB Blazer Mid(シュプリーム×ナイキSB ブレーザー ミッド)」。
またナイキSBブランドのスニーカーではお馴染みのZoom Air(ズームエア)を搭載したインソールにも両ブランドのロゴが配されている。
そんなコラボスニーカー「Supreme®/Nike SB Blazer Mid」はキルティングレザー採用のブラック、キルティングデニム採用のブルーの2色展開。
シュプリーム 22FW ポープ.L コラボアイテム一覧
- Tシャツ類
- Supreme/Pope.L Training Crawl Tee
- スケート類
- Supreme/Pope.L Great White Way Skateboard
- Supreme/Pope.L Training Crawl Skateboard
Supreme 2022FW Week2にリリースとなるアメリカ人アーティスト「William Pope.L(ウィリアム・ポープ.L)」のコラボコレクションはTシャツ1種類、スケート2種類の計3アイテム。
American artist Pope.L was born in Newark, NJ in 1955. He began graduate studies at Rutgers in the late 1970s, developing an interest in experimental theater and performance. His actions largely occur in public and municipal spaces — many of which have taken place in New York, including at Tompkins Square Park and outside of a midtown Chase Bank. Referring to himself as “a fisherman of social absurdity,” Pope.L has employed a variety of strategies to explore complicity, power, race, class, gender, and embodiment. His work spans theater, intervention, painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, writing and video. It is at turns provocative, absurd, disruptive and vulnerable.
Some of Pope.L’s most well-known work are his arduous “crawls,” a series of street performances enacted over four decades. He first crawled across 42nd Street in 1978, inspired by growing numbers of unhoused people sleeping on the street. In re-focusing collective attention on his own body moving through space horizontally, he considered “all those folks, who seemed inert and unwilling to lift themselves up by their bootstraps, starting to move as one,” and how such refusal to move up contains “this energy of moving forward.”
Between 2001 and 2009, Pope.L incrementally crawled 22 miles up Broadway, from the tip of Manhattan to the South Bronx, wearing a Superman costume and a skateboard on his back. These actions pose important cultural and historical questions. What gestures are accepted in what spaces? Whose gestures are accepted in whose spaces? How does a space frame an action? “As soon as you go outside, there’s this issue of where you are in space, and who owns that space,” Pope.L has said. “So I realized that I was setting up a tension when I crawled about being in space and how you’re located in that space – how you’re supposed to behave in that space, and who can own that space, and how you can own it.”
Supreme/Pope.L Training Crawl Tee
Supreme/Pope.L Great White Way Skateboard
Supreme/Pope.L Training Crawl Skateboard
シュプリーム 22FW Week2 レギュラーアイテム一覧
Supreme 2022FW Week2
- ジャケット類
- Jeff Hamilton Ridge Street Leather Jacket
- Cotton Utility Jacket
- Studded Velour Track Jacket
- シャツ類
- Skulls S/S Shirt
- トップス/セーター類
- Supreme®/Mitchell & Ness® Football Jersey
- Republica Thermal
- Shadow Script S/S Top
- スウェットシャツ類
- Capital Hooded Sweatshirt
- Hockey Hooded Sweatshirt
- パンツ類
- Republica Regular Jean
- Cargo Pant
- Studded Velour Track Pant
- ハット類
- Washed Cordura® Camp Cap
- Pigment Print S Logo 6-Panel
- Pin Up Mesh Back 5-Panel
- Webbing Crusher
- アクセサリー類
- Supreme®/Tru Grit 6KG Kettlebell
Supreme 2022FW Week2にリリースとなるレギュラーアイテムはジャケット3種類、シャツ1種類、トップス/セーター3種類、スウェットシャツ2種類、パンツ3種類、ハット4種類、アクセサリー1種類の計17アイテム。
2022年秋冬シーズンのティーザーに採用されたジェフ・ハミルトンコラボのレザージャケット「Jeff Hamilton Ridge Street Leather Jacket」、ユーティリティジャケット「Cotton Utility Jacket」、フーディー「Capital Hooded Sweatshirt」、カーゴパンツ「Cargo Pant」、全面にデザインが施されたインパクトのあるデニム「Republica Regular Jean」などがラインナップ。
Jeff Hamilton Ridge Street Leather Jacket
Cotton Utility Jacket
Studded Velour Track Jacket
Republica Thermal
Skulls S/S Shirt
Supreme®/Mitchell & Ness® Football Jersey
Shadow Script S/S Top
Capital Hooded Sweatshirt
Hockey Hooded Sweatshirt
Republica Regular Jean
Cargo Pant
Studded Velour Track Pant
Washed Cordura® Camp Cap
Pigment Print S Logo 6-Panel
Pin Up Mesh Back 5-Panel
Webbing Crusher
Supreme®/Tru Grit 6KG Kettlebell
Supreme | |
公式オンラインストア | 2022年9月10日11時00分 |
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